Colonel Mgr. Otakar Foltýn

Colonel Otakar Foltýn is a staff officer of the of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic.
In 2003 he completed Commissioning Course at the Military Academy in Vyškov, Czech Republic, and is a graduate of the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Law, where also attended the post-graduate course EUROPEUM. During his military service he also passed various courses focusing especially on Counterinsurgency and International Humanitarian and Operational Law.
In his previous career, he served in various positions at G3 (operations), G5 (planning) branches, Military Academy and General Staff Inspectorate. In 2017 he joined Czech Special Forces and later (2022-2023) he became the Chief of Military Police.
Currently he serves as a Deputy Chief of President Military Office.
He was deployed in missions in Kosovo (2006) and Afghanistan (2009, 2019)
In his civilian career col. Foltýn teaches Anthropology of warfare, Hybrid operations and International Humanitarian Law at the Charles University in Prague. He is a Czech Red Cross expert for international law and PhD. candidate at Faculty of Arts of the Charles University in Prague in the field of modern history.
Col. Foltýn is a co-author of following publications:

  • Povaha změny (The Nature of a Change), Vyšehrad 2015
  • Na rozhraní (At the Borderline), Vyšehrad 2016
  • Lidé a dějiny (People and the History), Academia 2017
  • Punctuated Equilibria Paradigm and Security in the Modern World, Potomac Institute of Policy Studies 2018
  • Za zrcadlem – hybridní válka (Beyond the Mirror – Hybrid war), Academia 2022
  • Od bouře k bouři: 1918-1939 (From the Storm to the Storm 1918-1939), Academia 2022

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