prof. JUDr. Dalibor Jílek, CSc.

Education and professional experience

Brno-born, Dalibor Jílek graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University J. E. Purkyně (Masaryk University) in his hometown in 1977. After completing the military service in Bratislava, he started teaching as an assistant in the field of international law at the same faculty. His academic rise was entirely associated with the Faculty of Law in Brno for more than three decades. There he earned the title Doctor Iuris (JUDr.). In 1986, he defended his dissertation thesis on the responsibility of international organizations and received the scientific degree: Candidatus Scientiarum (CSc.). After the successful procedure, since 1995, he was promoted to associate professor. In 2003, he was appointed a professor of Public International Law. At the Brno Faculty he also served as a chairman of the Academic Senate, a vice-dean for international relations, science and research (three mandates) or a head of the Department of International and European Law.

In 1996, Dalibor Jílek was invited to take over the leadership of the forming Department of International Humanitarian Law and National Legal Branches at the Military University of the Ground Forces of the Czech Republic in Vyškov. There he introduced the teaching of International Humanitarian Law as a mandatory semester discipline for military and civilian students. Afterwards, he joined the University of Defence in Brno for three years. Except for giving lectures, he participated in the training of future generals in the field of law of armed conflicts. Besides, in relation to humanitarian law, he prepared Czech officers for different military functions in NATO headquarters.

Currently, Dalibor Jílek is a professor of Public International Law at the Law Faculty of the Pan-European University (Institute of International and European Law) in Bratislava and a part-time professor at the Faculty of Law of the Palacký University.

In the past he went on study or training stays in the International Committee of the Red Cross (1992) or the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Geneva. Last two years, he was a member of the delegation of the Czech Republic in the spring regular sessions of the UN Human Rights Council. Within study programmes he attended a number of most prestigious universities in the United States and the United Kingdom. Moreover, he gave lectures in Austria, France, China, Italy, Moldova, Ukraine or the United States.

Research fields and expertise

Jilek´s research portfolio is flexible and expansive. It ranges from problems of responsibility of international organizations, different questions of refugee law, including its history, asylum law, minority law, children´s rights, discrimination or racism, human rights in education, juvenile justice and ad hoc international criminal tribunals to international humanitarian law. Just recently, he has co-founded and co-edited the Yearbook of Refugee and Alien Law published in Czech.

For twenty years, Dalibor Jílek served as an expert of the Council of Europe´s monitoring bodies in Strasbourg. From 1998 to 2002, he was appointed a member of the Advisory Committee (AC) established by the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. He worked for this treaty-based organ again from 2006 to 2010. Since 2002 he became a member of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) which occupies a specific position as a non-treaty-based body fighting against racism and discrimination in Europe. His mandate in ECRI lasted until 2017. Since 1994, he is a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague. As regards the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, he also was on the list of human dimension experts.

Last papers written in English

JÍLEK, Dalibor, MICHALIČKOVÁ, Jana. The Conceptual Role of Habitual Residence. Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law, Prague, 2016, Vol. 7 s. 101-136. (ISBN 978-80-87488-26-3; ISSN 1805-0565).

JÍLEK, Dalibor, MICHALIČKOVÁ, Jana. Personal Status of Refugees: The Original International Solution. Yearbook of Public & Private International Law, Prague, 2017, Vol. 8, s. 79-106 (ISSN 1805-0565; ISBN 978-80-87488-29-4).

JÍLEK, Dalibor. Czechoslovakia: Certificates and Passports of Refugees (1918-1930). Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law, Prague, 2018, Vol. 9, s. 38-66. (ISBN 978-80-87488-26-3; ISSN 1805-0565).

Last papers written in Czech

Jílek, Dalibor, Čechová, Irena (eds.). Aktuální otázky ochrany práv dětí. Informování dětí o jejich právech. Brno: Česko-britská o.p.s., 2017, 302 s. (ISBN 978-80-905598-3-7).

Jílek, Dalibor a kol. Právní postavení nezletilého uprchlíka. Praha: Leges, 2019, 230 s. (ISBN 978-80-7502-336-0).

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